Dividend by board resolution

Dividend by board resolution

Dividend by board resolution | Sincere Navigation Corporation

  1. Resolution Date:2014/03/28
  2. Shareholders allotment content:

(1)Cash dividend of earnings distribution(NTD per share):1.0000000

(2)Statutory surplus reserve, capital reserve cash payment:0

(3)Cash dividends amount for shareholders:568,304,171

(4)Turn allotment of surplus capital:0

(5)Statutory surplus reserve, capital reserve transfer shares allotment:0

(6)Shareholder number of shares allotment:0

  1. Remuneration to directors and supervisors(NTD):9,998,456
  2. Employee bonuses:

(1) Cash dividend amount:9,998,456

(2) Stock dividend amount:0

  1. Others:NA
  2. Common stock par value:NT 10.0000